In case of any "emergency", please call 911 or reach the nearest emergency room as quickly as possible.
Appointments - can be scheduled 24/7 through our practice online patient portal for a weekday (morning 10am - 1pm) or evening (Mondays, Thursdays 4pm - 6pm) or Saturdays (9am-12pm)
During office hours, please leave a brief message with your full name, telephone and reason for the call.
When our office is closed, you can reach us 24/7 by calling 973 812 1010 for any "non-emergency urgent health problems" & by pressing "0" to reach our answering service operator. Then, please provide the necessary details. We shall return the calls in a timely fashion as per the priority.
If you are running out of refills, it means it is time to have clinical evaluation before further refills are provided. Please schedule your visit at least 2 weeks before you run out of refills.
If you are not well, please call and come in as "walkin" during our office hours . We can see you and provide the necessary treatment.
It is our policy to maintain best practices: "Prescribe treatment" only after "clinical assessment".
Please do not call in with "requests" for "antibiotics".
We do not prescribe "antibiotics" on the phone. We, all, have the responsibility to prevent the growing threat of "antibiotic resistance" in this nation!
"Opiod related complications and deaths" have risen to epidemic proportions. Hence, we do not prescribe narcotics as a rule.