Surya Health Care
Telephone 973 812 1010

Our practice

Welcome to our practice in Woodland Park, New Jersey

We have been providing high quality compassionate care to our patients in Woodland Park, New Jersey since 2003

Our Surya Health Care practice is conveniently located in Woodland Park, New Jersey with easy access from Interstate Route 80 (exit 56) and state highways Route 3, Route 46 and Garden State Parkway.

Our office has ample free parking.

We, doctor-couple, have excellent insights in various clinical challenging problems and are fluent in Telugu, Hindi, Urdu and Kannada and we have staff who can speak Spanish.

We listen to your health concerns and treat you as a whole person with great emphasis on health education, health promotion and disease prevention.

We educate our patients on their health issues and offer the necessary comprehensive clinical care.

We aim to make every office clinical visit as comfortable as possible and we place great effort to minimize the waiting times.

We keep abreast with the latest medical advances through continued medical education and attending national and international conferences. By combining the latest medical information with traditional bedside clinical assessment, we give our patients the best care.

We have a "State of art" Electronic Health Records with patient portals, 24/7 online scheduling system and a 24/7 answering service.

Our mission is to help you accomplish and maintain high quality to life!

Surya health care, 1031 McBride Ave, suite D 208, Woodland Paek, NJ 07424       973 812 1010